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Database Transactions With pytest

14 Jun 2015

For past few years I've been primarily a ruby programmer. In the ruby ecosystem, testing is seen as pretty important and I wanted to have the same tooling in python.

Where I work where I used to work (I've since moved on), we primarily used rspec in conjunction with Rails. The combo comes with a few things by default:

  1. Test discovery under spec/ or test/
  2. Automatic database transaction support per test (emphasis on 'automatic')

We had a old, custom python project that I had been working with and slowly modernizing. The need for unit tests came up and I evaluated a few options. I ended up choosing pytest as it seemed to be most modern and popular framework.

By default, pytest is configured to discover tests in all directories and subdirectories. So, while it does work, it can be slow (because it crawls everything) and it can discover tests that it shouldn't (such as a vendored code).

I worked around this issue by using the norecursedirs option. This option tells pytest which directories not to go into (no option exists to tell it to only go into certain directories). Here's a sample config:

# setup.cfg
norecursedirs = .git vendor my-project/lib my-project/helpers docs config log tmp\*

Note, if you put vendor, then make sure you don't have a directory like tests/vendor/ because it will be ignored:

$ cat setup.cfg
norecursedirs = config

$ tree
├── config
│   └── file.json
├── setup.cfg
└── tests
    ├── config
    │   └──

4 directories, 6 files

$ py.test --collect-only
======= test session starts =======
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.9 -- py-1.4.27 -- pytest-2.6.4
collected 1 items
<Module 'tests/'>
  <Class 'Test'>
    <Instance '()'>
      <Function 'test_foo'>

Anyway, buyer be warned!

To solve #2 (automatic database transaction support per test), it got… a bit tricky. We utilized standard xUnit style tests, so our tests would look like this:

class TestWidget:

    def setup_method(self, method):
        self.subject = Widget()

    def test_can_get_meaning_of_life(self):
        assert self.subject.get_meaning_of_life() == 42

Say that instantiating Widget actually wrote to the database. At this point, the widget is going to be saved in the database and subsequent tests could error out because they rely on having no widgets in the database.

Our first solution used inheritance like this:

# tests/
class BaseTest:
    def setup_method(self, method):

    def teardown_method(self, method):

# tests/unit/
from tests.helper import BaseTest

class TestWidget(BaseTest):

    def setup_method(self, method):
        super(BaseTest, self).setup_method(method)
        self.subject = Widget()

    def test_can_get_meaning_of_life(self):
        assert self.subject.get_meaning_of_life() == 42

This works for the most part, except that teardown_method does not get called if something failed in setup_method by design since pytest 2.4 (see 'issue322'). This means that orm.session.rollback() might not be called.

Enter Pytest Fixtures

While the classic xUnit style doesn't work so well, we do have an alternative: pytest fixtures.

What are these fixtures? Well, they're basically dependencies that you can require for your tests. Here's how our code can look now:

# tests/
def db_transaction(request):

    def fin():


    return orm.session

# tests/unit/
class TestMyWidget:

    def test_my_widget(self, db_transaction):
        print "\nin passing test\n"

    def test_my_failing_widget(self, db_transaction):
        print "\nin failing test\n"
        raise Exception()

The extended example and output can be found here.

The downside of this technique is that we have to remember to opt-in to every test by specifying db_transaction as one of the arguments. To get around this issue, we tried combining autouse and classes:

# tests/
class BaseTest:
    # prefixed with '_' since autouse fixtures are executed alphabetically
    # see
    def _wrap_test_in_transaction(self, request):

        def fin():


# tests/unit/
from tests.helper import BaseTest

class TestWidget(BaseTest):

    def before(self, request):
        self.subject = Widget()

    def test_can_get_meaning_of_life(self):
        assert self.subject.get_meaning_of_life() == 42

That's it! No other special tricks.


This took a bit of thinking to come up with, but maybe you or someone you know has a better way of writing tests with database transactions in pytest. Let me know and leave a comment below, shoot me an email, or tweet at me – I promise I won't bite!

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